Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spot on!

Heralding from the world of snippets, a recently published article from KL Taufan's very own FIFA rep Si_Jali (or jellyfish). Jali has posted a very compelling article entitled "Is Gaming Violent?" on the spotgamers website.

Here is a snippet:

"In the western countries at the moment, gaming seems to be attracting negative vibes rather than positive. Gaming has been accuse to be the reason why certain unwanted events happen, to be like a venom spreading poison into minds of youngsters. Not just gaming has been associated with activities of no importance and wasting time, but in certain event in few years it has come to a point where gaming has been a cause influencing MURDER."

You may read the article here

Here is the snag though, as bad as the murders and negative bad press gaming has had over on the mass media in western countries, the competitive scene there is still growing at a much faster pace than well... lets say here in Malaysia. Why is that?

We rarely have bad press, as far as I know nobody has actually killed anybody over a video game right?

So what is your take? Why despite not having the bad press is gaming still perceived as being 'negative' and a 'bad' culture here?

Source: Spotgamers

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